About Me : -

Greetings ! I am Madhavan Pallan, Currently a Researcher in AI and Polyglot with loyalties to IBM Research AI before that I gave strong 3 years in Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences (BAMS) Group at IBM Research, India. I am interested in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence Technologies in general and Deep learning, Social Network Analysis, Large Scale Data Mining, Statistics. I have worked on Problems like Submodularity, Automatic Augmenting, Data Extraction, Data Visualization, Neural Networks, Expected Maximization, Clustering, Classification, and semi-supervised learning on large-scale industrial datasets in bringing out insights.

Before joining IBM Research, I received my Five Year Integrated Masters Degree (Hons.) in Mathematics and Computing from Indian Institute of Technology located in BHU, (IIT (BHU)) Varanasi in 2013. My master thesis is a continuation of work done for the Open Source Organization Scilab, INRIA Project as part of Google Summer of Code 2012, under the mentorship of Prof. Ricardo Fabbri (Rio de Janeiro State University) and Prof. Tanmoy Som (IIT(BHU)). I would also take a moment to thank my mentor Dr Biplav Srivastava and Dr Dinesh Garg(till January 2014) for guiding me through my journey at IBM Research, India. I look forward to work on these technologies and am ready to learn new things to bring about development in the aforementioned fields finally bringing big impact. My hobbies include developing electronic devices, building robots solving daily tasks and reading Q/A on Quora.


Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi

5 Year Integrated Masters Degree May 2013

My Major is in Mathematics and Computing, from the Department of Mathematical Sciences (previously Applied Mathematics), IIT(BHU), Varanasi. Here, I developed expertise in solving mathematical problems and building models. IIT (BHU) is situated in the holy city of Varanasi (previously kashi), were bestows lord Shiva. Situated near the Banks of the river Ganga, Kashi is one of the biggest tourist places in India and has huge historical significance.


IBM Research AI(Prior IBM Research Labs)

Researcher in AI and Polyglot July 2013 - Present

I am worked in Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences group in multiple research projects under the supervision of Dr. Biplav Srivastava and with Dr. Dinesh Garg(till january 2014). I have worked on various cross country collaboration projects with IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research AI - Ireland and IBM Research AI -Tokyo on extensive basis for the first 3 years. Going forward I am involved in multiple AI communities, where I see my growth. I also do a lot of experimental research. which, I share exclusively with the members of the community. I always found working with like minded enthusiastic researcher fun to talk. I am also part of multiple happy AI communities/ list and had the pleasure to meet awesome AI researcher in person during the recent visit to AAAI conference.(Responsibilites and Roles executed can be discussed offline.).

Google Summer of Code, Google (Mountain View, California, U.S.)

Research Program April 2012 - Septmeber 2012

This internship was carried under the organisation Scilab an I.N.R.I.A, France project which involved in making leptonica library from Google Books available to scilab through Scilab Image Processing ToolBox (SIP). The Project was carried under the mentorship of Prof. Ricardo Fabbri (Rio de Janeiro State University).

Robotics Club, IIT(BHU), Varanasi, India

Joint Secretary, Science and Technology Council July 2010 - July 2011

Here, I worked with both small/ large scale robotics projects built by the student community. The aim of the position is also organize and conduct workshop for first year joinee's in the Institute officially. Going further I also acted as a Technical Head (1 in 3 positions institute wide) for organizing technical festival of the InstituteTECHNEX 2012. I am also the founding admin for the facebook page of the club hosted here, which has (~6k+) likes and (~6k+) followers. Link

International Technical festival TECHNEX 2012@ IIT(BHU), Varanasi, India

Technical Head and Senior Mentor, Science and Technology Council July 2012 - May 2013

(1 in 3 position institute wide) This work is in continuation with the group called Science and Technology Council, IIT(BHU) - Varanasi. It was fun, mentoring Students on visionary projects in different fields and sometimes cross fields. It always took time and effort explaining the feasibility of the project and getting the project completed. This also included giving key suggestions on Tehnical Event Management, Delivery of technical workshops/ Event Presentations/ Presenting to Junior Mentors and Organisers of Event for the Technical Festival. (source to complete website of TechNex 2012, other coordinators who were part of the event during the following era feel free to use the source !! Special thanks to the maintainers and developers of the website) Link to Archive


SubBot - chatbot for commuters of New York Subway Upgraded.

In Proceedings of Competition Track of Workshop W-19 Reasoning and Learning for Human-Machine Dialogues (DEEP-DIAL20) of the Thirty-Fourth Conference on Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence at AAAI Conference, 2020-*-Paper/ Presentation/ Demo Video - Published

-*-Here, we are interested in democratizing chatbot for the MTA New York Subway System.

WikiDocs - A dataset of Wikipedia as a consumable format of Wikipedia pages for NLP Projects.

In Proceedings of Competition Track of Workshop W-19 Reasoning and Learning for Human-Machine Dialogues (DEEP-DIAL20) of the Thirty-Fourth Conference on Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence at AAAI Conference, 2020-*-Paper/ Presentation/ Demo Video - Published

-*-Here we are interested in creating an AAAI Dataset Community, with a culture in reproducing and reuse of datasets. **Awarded Travel Grant of 1000$ (by Artificial Intelligence journal (AIJ)), (AAAI’20)

SubBot - Chatbot for commuters of New York Subway.

In Proceedings of Competition Track of Workshop W-19 Reasoning and Learning for Human-Machine Dialogues (DEEP-DIAL19) of the Thirtieth Conference on Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence at AAAI Conference, 2019-*-Paper/ Demo and Source - Published

**Awarded Workshop Grant of 500$ (by Artificial Intelligence journal (AIJ)), (AAAI’19)

Case Studies in Managing Traffic in a Developing Country with Privacy-Preserving Simulation as a Service.

In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Services Computing at IEEE SCC Conference, 2016-*-ieee paper link - Published

Automatically Augmenting Titles of Research Paper for Better Discovery

In Proceedings of Workshop of W14 — Scholarly Big Data: AI Perspectives, Challenges, and Ideas of the Thirtieth Conference on Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence at AAAI Conference, 2016-*-publication profile - Published

Submodularity in Team Formation

In Proceedings of the Fourteenth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining at SDM Conference, 2014 -- pdf - Published


An empirical study of starting salaries and employment trends of Engineering students in India

In Proceedings of Volume Fifteenth and Number Three of the International Journal of DataScience at JDS Journal, 2017-*-publication listing - Published


Robotics Club at IIT BHU - Alumni Version Since 2009

Role - Super Active Owner/ Admin Aug 2009 - Present

--This page emphasis on posting Innovation/ Research/ Technical stuff/ World Class Robotics Events and Competitions for the general public.

--This page in general for IIT(BHU) alumni’s/ out-going IIT(BHU) students and folks pursuing M.S./ PhD Globally. Previously, the facebook page was called Robotics Club at IIT(BHU).

--page link - Published Since 2009


Selected Awards.

-*- Recipient of Eminence and Excellence Award for leading and ideating a skills research project, receiving top position globally all over IBM Research by Vice President of Research Impact then, now A.I. Horizons Network the same project was Best in the Show in the competition class for the same event. First time across the Research Labs where a group of Fixed Time Hire to receive the prize. The project was also recognized in the IBM Hall of Fame,(2015-16). The idea for the team formation was a result of work done on ontology from the AAAI-2016 paper.

-*- Recipient of Put​ ​Your​ ​Client​ ​First for joining a project in its critical time. The award was given by the Hiring Manager of the Group, BAMS, IBM Research AI.

*Received​ ​2/9​ ​values​ ​of IBM,​ ​looking​ ​forward​ ​to complete​ ​the​ ​whole​​set.

-*- Runner up in CitySDK Smart Participation Challenge, received EU wide Recognition. The project was recognized in the IBM Hall of Fame (2013-14)

-*- Awarded Third position in IBM Consumer Analytics Competition 2014.

-*- Awarded Western Railway Union Medal 2013, for being in top 5 students in a category given by Western Railway, Indian Government.

-*- Received IIT(BHU)-Color 2012, highest award for outstanding contribution in the field of Robotics in IITs.

-*- Recipient of MHRD Scholarship, 2012-13 for overall academic performances.

-*- Recognized by Student Leadership Award 2012, for showing exemplary leadership skills in organizing robotics workshop for ~300 odd students for 3 years in IIT. (PRO-BONO, 10 years and continuing) in conducting and organizing workshop.

-*- Awarded Third position in SANRACHNA a model building competition in Departmental Fest Anveshan 2011.

-*- Recipient of Western Railway Scholarship 2010-12, for maintaining First Class in GPA.

-*- Received Merit-cum-mean Scholarship 2008-10, given to top 25% Undergraduate meritorious student in whole of IIT.


IBM Cloud/ AI for Greater Good/ Datasets Generation.

Researcher (This will keep getting updated) January 2014 - Present

-*-Developed plethora of applications aligned to AI topics, which is of importance in the lifes of general public.

-*-Extensive use of cloud assets in IBM Cloud like database, conversation or watson assistant, knowledge studio, natural language understanding, cloudant, speech to text, text to speech, storage and other deployed environments

-*-Also, familiar with serverless actions for writing custom functions in the language prescribed by the IBM system be it Node.js, python or java.

-*-Few e.g. include, but is not limited too Creating chatbots and developing website to host data/ details for a research project in general few software projects in particular.

-*-These days, I am reading about NAS algorithms and saddle points for theory and chatbots or AutoAI topics for applications.

-*-Check more of my work already published on Vimeo (OpenSource/ Development Central)more information on my development projects. -*-I had 2 papers in AAAI 2020's Conference Competition track of Workshop (DEEP-DIAL20) to get a gist of the work I do.

Robotics Curriculam for general public (Few parts are PRO-BONO)

Social AwesomeNess Researcher July 2009 - present

-*-These days, I post world class robotics events on a public domain posting topics influencing major robotics/ AI crowd in India. Promoting strong conference which bring about greater good on the very page.

-*-Took robotics workshops for 1st and 2nd year students from all part engineering. Nearly 300 students for continuous 4 years. (Till 2013)

-*-Assigning mentors to junior students while organizing sessions for them on advaced topics like. a) How can one use sensor data and read it programmatically ? b) How one can create autonomous systems/ wireless system ?. (Till 2013, Only for students of IIT. Assiting students anytime, everytime)

-*-Designed simulation workshop for the first time in the institute, which is now a tradition. A single workshop with practical experience to the general software like matlab, mathematical modeling, opencv, scilab, proteus(simulated environment for embedded systems), catia and CodeVision AVR. Created a team of mentors for the same and organized it as a important set of workshops.

-*-Check more of the published post on Robotics Club, IIT(BHU)- Alumni Version.

Corporate Analytics Project with IBM N.C./ Research Ireland

Research Engineer/ Data Scientist January 2014 - May 2016

-*-This project is work with 3 other folks from the research division giving to the broader and narrower datascience community.

-*-Involved from writing proposal, using the software like IBM Db2 to large data for heavy projects to create top level analytics for the project. Using, IBM SPSS Modeler to run analysis using auto-regressive/ auto-classification models for the predicting parameter/ goal.

-*-This involved recommendation generation for the Clients, which were highly dependent on the analysis. There were also few parts were, we have also stress tested IBM Watson studio for the same problem and help them develop the software.

-*-A total of 8 projects were proposed and completed in the time-frame with extensive meeting with other IBM clients and cross country collaboration with IBM North Carolina and IBM Research AI, Ireland.

City Concierge

Software Researcher January 2014 - October 2015

--Solved the problem of a tourism guide, which helps the travellers by showing the events with less number of issues for the nations having api following open311 standard, By applying a clustering algorithm, which looks on the various issues and list the issues for that region. This was carried under the Umbrella of Group Smarter Planet.

-*-The problem was solved by developing Real world applications City-concierge for EU nations (amsterdam, lisbon, helsinki and Lamia) and Bharat-Khoj, under the mentorship of Dr. Biplav Srivastava, AAAI Senior Member, Master Inventor, ACM Fellow, IBM Research Lab, New York, U.S.

-*-Runner up. in CitySDK Challenge Europian Union and bagged a sum of 2000 Euro for developing the Best Cross-City Smart Participation Application.

-*-A continued work was proposed in creating a Traffic simulation Exercise, which can be read on a top level in the SCC paper for Indian Setting using Megaffic IBM Traffic Simluator.

-*-Patents : 1 (Under Process)}

-*-Presentation for the above project can be found here. Presentation.

IBM Consumer Analytics Competition 2014

Software Engineer/ Data Analyst April - May 2014

-*-Third in IBM internal Machine Learning Competition, having teams participated from all Geographical Research Labs of IBM.

-*-Under the mentor-ship of Dr. Biplav Srivastava, AAAI Senior Member, Master Inventor, ACM Fellow, IBM Research Lab, New York, U.S..

-*-Tools used: such as R, weka and IBM Cognos were used for the analysis of the dataset,

-*-Methods: Expected Maximization, Clustering and Correlation.

Submodularity in Team Formation

Software Engineer April - May 2014

-*-The problem of finding an optimal team which satisfies the constraints of having a team with certain skill requirement and social compatability can be formulated as a submodular maximization problem, and discovered that the submodular function turns out to be non-negative and non-montone.

-*-Here, we used Submodular maximizartion by simulated annealing for this problem to obtain a 0.41-approximation.

-*-Using the submodular structure helped in posing skill as soft requirement. We used Jaccard distance to measure the social compataility of two individuals on the given Social graph created from DBLP Dataset.

-*-Experimental study of Average team size, Average Number of missing skills and Average Number of Connected Components was calculated for different number of required skills for team formation.

-*-The social graphs of researcher on various topics in Computer Science Community is an interesting visualization created as part of the topic.

Integration of Leptonica library in Siptoolbox (M-Tech Thesis)

Master Student January 2012 – May-2013

-*-It Comprises of the challenges like designing and developing intermediate functions encountered in making leptonica library available to Scilab through siptoolbox (Scilab Image Processing ToolBox). And is an extension of work done in Google Summer of Code'12, under my Thesis Advisor Dr Tanmoy Som and Dr Ricardo Fabbri.

-*-Description of the functions like deskew and dewarp, having state of the art algorithm found in leptonica were now made available through siptoolbox

-*-Extensive testing of the made available functions were done on different types of images like, jpeg, png and tmp. Complete change called (sip-gsoc).is now part of SIP ver 0.10.0.

-*-This thesis is a composition of the various challenges encountered in making the leptonica library available to Scilab. The thesis is also a extension of the work done in Google summer of Code 2012 with the Organisation Scilab. This involved writing intermediate functions which form the fundamental background for working of both the different data-structures in scilab and leptonica. The library was made available to Scilab using siptoolbox. It also, involved making available two important leptonica functions in Scilab such as deskew and dewarp. The example functions were extensively tested on all types of images.

Google Summer of Code- (Mountain View)

Student Intern May 2012 – September-2012

-*-IIT-BHU was Ranked 6th for number of accepted students in 2012 , and 10th in #students accepted from 2005 - 2012.

-*-As part of this to help develop large Scale OpenSource Organization. I was working with , a free and open source software for numerical computation providing a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications. I was also closely working with #labmacambira at irc.freenode.net from October 2011 to September 2012

-*-The Research Program aimed at making Google-books leptonica library available to Scilab a free and open source software for numerical computation providing a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications through SIP ToolBox (Scilab Image Processing ToolBox). Under the mentorship of Dr. Riccardo Fabbri from Rio-de-Janeiro State University. I was also closely working with #labmacambira at irc.freenode.net from October 2011 to September 2012

-*-An international Program, Google Summer Of Code funded by google for the development of large scale Open Source projects.

-*-Challenges involved creating Porting Functions which made leptonica functions available in siptoolbox. As, part of the verification two functions dewarp and deskew which are exclusively available in leptonica, were made available in Scilab.

-*-(Detailed Timeline)

(Final Review) (Deskew and Dewarp for all images) (Deskew Demo) (Dewarp Demo)

Line Follower Robot (Sensor Data/ Robotics)

Sensor Analyst/ Research or Teaching Roboticist/ Senior May 2011 – June -2011

-*-Developed a algorithm for the problem of traversing on white lines on completely black painted surface and performed a task of collecting blocks from the intersection point of the 4x4 grids to the end point of the grid. with the help of 4 wheeled bot and Atmega 32 (memory of 32bit).

-*-Built a 4 wheeled Robot, and programmed the Micro-controller Atmega-32 to complete the task.

-*-Participated at Techniche, Technical Fest of IIT-Guwahati.

-*-Tools used: CvAVR, AVR USB Programmer.

Smart Furnace Alerter (Sensor Data/ Robotics)

Sensor Analyst/ Research or Teaching Roboticist/ Senior May 2011 – June 2011

-*-Developed a program, solving real world problem that regulates the temperature of the Metal Furnace, taking the reading from the furnace with the help of thermostat and providing readings to the micro-controller. The reading was then used to alert the workers working in factory with the help of a buzzer and displaying alert on 16x2 LCD.

-*-Teamed with Er. Manikandan Mariyappan of the Metallurgical Department.

-*-Stood Third position in SANRACHNA, a model building event in the Metallurgical Departmental fest Anveshan.

-*- Tools used: CvAVR.

-*- Hardware used: RS 232 Programming interface, LCD, Thermostat.

Numerical Methods Library

Student/ Scientific Computing Projects May 2010-*-June 2013

-*-This project was part of the course/ lab work for creating a Numerical method library and understanding the background of the topics.

-*-These topics find applications in many algorithm that has applications or use of differential equations.

-*-For adventure, feel free to check the technical report by last turing awardee and last Abel Awardee for knowing the significance of the topic.


Selected Skills.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning (including Learning Representation)
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Software Development
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Computer Vision
  • Roboticist


Selected Groups and Mailing List.

-*-AAAI Member - (2016 - 2019)/ (2020 - *).

-*-ACM Computer Science / AMS Mathematics Community Member.

-*-Scilab (SIP - Scilab Image Processing ToolBox) Contributor. (till 2013)

-*-IBM Research - Machine Learning(One combination included the Senior Managers and D.E. Assistant Director) / Analytics Group.(till 2016)

-*-IBM Research - Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences. (till 2016), IBM Research(IBM T.J. Watson Community, N.Y. mainly) - AI Community (continued.)

-*-MIT-ML/ Columbia ML (member, internal Mailing list)/ NYU .

-*-Robotics Club @ IIT(BHU) - Alumni Version(founding Admin/ Global Influencer/ fb page Since 2009)

Code/ Demo